After the roof work, we stayed the night and then we headed home and worked on boxes for a day before Jamie and her family arrived for their visit. After a late arrival on Friday night, we all got up and had bran muffins and got organized for a weekend of fun.
First up was a trip to the Great Plains Zoo in Sioux Falls. Henry and I
raced ahead of everyone to see all the exhibits in the museum portion.
Not main of the animals were outside, especially on the Savannah, but
Zoe made her own fun. She crawled inside the lookout area in one of the
exhibits and tried to spy on us. |
This is my niece Isabella performing in her last dance recital as a high school senior.
We sat far back so that we would not disturb anyone if the grandkids got antsy.
They did not because they were so taken with all the dancing. |
After a very long Saturday, Zoe fell asleep before we watched the
Crooks fireworks. In the morning she was very sad she missed them, but
as a good grandma would, I search the net for fireworks videos. Henry
told her that in the dark they were better, but she seemed okay with
the videos. She ohhed and ahhhed over them. |
Despite the jet tub fiasco, everyone managed to enjoy a tasty
brunch and then play number bingo with our friends Dan and
Nancy, Zoe did a great job as the number reader. |
Kevin may truly enjoy Ben and Jerry's ice cream, but even he will tell you that
SDSU ice cream can't be beat. This is where we went to college and met, so I am
guessing you know one of the best kinds of dates we had. Ice cream and a walk
on the green. The ice cream on Sunday was as good as we remembered and two
new generations ate more than their fair share of it, as well. Check out Henry doing
what he does best, LOVING ice cream.
Life is GOOD!
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