I was really gun-ho to get started with quilting the first quilt since we got the new frame. I had a few setbacks, but I tried hard to hang in there. The stitching was very erratic and nothing seemed to be right even though I was using the stitch regulator.I called the company for assistance, but the tech was not available at the moment, and I wanted to quilt, so I tried all the suggestions in the trouble shooting section of my owner's manual. Then I started calling for help, again. After several calls to different people, I am still very much in the dark about how to correct the problem or problems. Therefore, I will now need to take the darn thing in and have it serviced. It will take a a week, cost plenty,and it is most irritating! GRRRRRR....
Even so, there is a silver lining of sorts. I will get my painting project done. Also, I decided that I would get Cassie's quilt top put together over the next couple of days. The first part of this quilt was figuring out how to cut this block with the best efficiency for me - took an hour to get it right, but I have already made 5 of the 20 block. I guess it will all work out without too much stress. The blocks will be batik blue and purple. These are the colors she requested, so batiks seemed to be the answer.
Life is GOOD!
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