I spent a good chunk of Sunday working on an assignment for my advanced application class. I was certain it was going to be an easy assignment because I had already done two similar, yet very different ones. Turns out it was a nightmare! When I went to class yesterday, I think I was so addled that I left my textbook at home. This is a VERY hands-on lab class, so the book is essential. I could not let go of the fact that I had to do this one and do it well because I can see so many uses for the newsletter application. I fussed and fussed all through the lab, but then we took a quiz at the end using some of the stuff, and I was certain that I had earned my first "F". I left class and decided to go home to study and that is exactly what I did. From 10:15 until 1:30, I did nothing but really dig into this chapter. I wrote a step-by-step procedure on one of my laptops while actually doing this assignment over. Turned it in and am sure it will be considered well done. Then I went to class, went home and using just my notes I recreated the exact same results in 25 minutes. Don't misunderstand, it is not all about the grade, although I do love "As", but more about truly feeling confident that I can and will use this application.
Guess what, we are allowed one page (front only) of notes for this whole unit's test.
These are my notes written in 8 pt font. I can read it with
no difficulty as long as I don't forget my stronger reading
glasses! teehee |
Thank goodness for computers because I could never have gotten 1/3 of this on the paper if it was handwritten. Believe me, I am very thankful for the notes. One section is the step by step for the newsletter. The other is just about where to find certain icons so that I can complete a variety of tasks. The "believe" is a watermark reminder and the blue at the top is a text box.
Life is GOOD!
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