Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1: Snow, Screws, Drills, Cleaning, Reorganizing,...All Fun

School is official finished for the semester, but so are I have not seen my final grades.  Not to worry, I did it the best I could and that is good enough for me.  My web page will go on the Internet in a couple of days, but I finished it and posted it for a grade...A.  All of that is good.

Today was a great day.  May 1st and there is snow on the ground.  Unbelievable!  We spent the day reworking the shop.  After almost a year, we have finally decided what will make the shop be more efficient.  We have moved things around, planning out new electrical wiring,  I put more screws in the partial walls than I ever imagined doing in my life time, but I am impressed with myself.
Lathe area with new
 divider wall
This is the back wall
of the lathe area.
It will be used to store
sawhorses up and out
for sweep up time.

The downdraft table
sits to the right of the saw
horse wall.
This is a place that I will be putting to use quite often.  Kevin is taller, so
we had to compromise on height, but we both decided this will be a good height.
Tomorrow, while Kevin works on some shaping for a quilt stand order and a spice cabinet, I will continue with this reorganizing project.  I am going to be putting the staining/painting, and finishing room together.  It is going to be kept cleaner and more dust-free by setting it off from the more dust creating areas.  There will be no power tools used in this area, and there will be a daily vacuuming of the space to try and maintain the best environment without having a sealed up finish room.  (Some day the budget may cover the cost for the ventilation, for now, we plan things so that we will be leaving the shop for a number of hours to help keep the air calm and as close to dust-free as we can.)

Only sat briefly today - what a change from being at the computer. I have a couple of naggy muscles but it feels wonderful to know I could keep up the pace all day.

Life is GOOD!