Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25: More Progress

This was the scene, on Monday.  Things continue to progress.


The next two show the first of the framing on Tuesday.  These will be the guest bedrooms- Nothing large but I am certain that my kids will be happy not to share the room with their kids when they visit.

The next photos show today's progress.  Framing should not take much longer, but we will have to wait a couple of weeks for the ceiling furnace and the windows.   We are doing the Sheetrock and finishing.  This is exciting!
This is the framing for the narrow windows on the
west side of the den.  Eventually we plan to add
a fireplace on that side of the room.

This is the storage area.  It has a window
and enough space for lots of shelves and our
second frig.  YEAH!

Can you see the bedrooms shaping up?  Some of the old insulation is in the closet area.
Life is GOOD!

1 comment:

Castle Family said...

I love these pictures of progress. Not because of my love of Architecture and Construction but because I know that when we are there for Christmas the kids will not be in the same tiny room as us. :-)