Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17: I am supposed to be on BREAK!!!

Yeah, right?

I have done more sanding, staining, painting, sanding, fitting, painting, and did I mention sanding in the last few days than I ever imagined I would have done.  But I did squeeze in a short fiction book doing one chapter at a time - A girl needs those!!!!

I will have some photos tomorrow.  Carpet goes in.  Jamie is hoping I finish the bedroom doors, too, but if not she will have to make do!  At least they will be in separate rooms.  LOL

Life is good, but the muscles are aching!


Castle Family said...

Bedroom doors would be FANTASTIC!

Needles, Fabric, Chisels, and Wood…Life is GOOD! said...

See, I told you if you give a child a room they always want more - a door! Could still happen, but my knees hurt from standing on all that concrete!

Deb said...

quilt pictures??where the H*** are they?????

Needles, Fabric, Chisels, and Wood…Life is GOOD! said...

I did help Nancy quilt her new granddaughter's first quilt, but I suppose that does not count. On December 28th I am declaring a day of quilting. Watch to see if it happens. Love your prompting, DEB!!!